Sunday, June 29, 2008

On our way out...

After 5 wonderful years in Italy, we're headed back to the States on July 16. Italian Moments will soon dwindle to a sprinkling of posts here and there, but it won't die altogether...I'll blog about re-entry culture shock as we get used to life in the States again, and then I'll be posting each summer, as we'll be back during July and most of August each year (my husband and I aren't independently wealthy, in case you're wondering why we get to "summer" in Italy...we're both teachers).

I began this blog a year and a half ago as a way to capture snippets of our expat life here in bella Italia. I also wanted to give family and friends back home a glimpse of our lives across the pond. As it turns out, Statcounter tells me that Italian Moments has between 685 and 1,903 unique visitors each month from over 36 countries. And no, I don't have that many friends and family back home...

Some of those visitors stumbled upon my blog when googling things like: italian game shows, easter bunny in italian, and translate happy birthday in italian (all according to the aforementioned Statcounter). Others are probably disappointed in the content of my blog--those would be the visitors who found my blog by googling the following phrases (and this is just a smattering, believe me): naked breasts, italian bare breasts show, well endowed breasts mature, and italian breasts tv. For those of you who have found my blog in this way, I'll save you some time by saying that, yes, I've blogged about breasts, but there ain't no photos. Sorry.

But for those of you who are not hindered by the lack of photographed breasts, I've added a feature where you can sign up to have new posts sent to your email inbox (just look on the left side of the blog for the link).

Starting tomorrow and up until our move, I'll be posting a collection of photos showing what I'll miss (and not miss) about about Italy, so stay tuned!


Mary Witzl said...

You are now going to have a zillion hits from people preoccupied with photographs of breasts!

I made some completely innocent remark about horses ages back, shortly followed by a reference to women. I will leave it to your imagination to picture some of the hits I got; shocked and stunned, I was. Where do people get these eclectic sexual tastes anyway? And I've had people from two dozen countries (mainly wet ones) wanting to know how to prepare garden slugs. Bless them; I hope they're not desperate.

Good luck readjusting to life in the States! I've done reverse cultural shock so many times I've almost forgotten which country I'm from. (But not quite!)

Natalie said...

Hi Mary,

I've noticed that the breast seekers aren't the kind who tend to linger on my blog--probably because they're headed on over to yours to find out about horses, women and slugs. Oy.

Do you plan on ever returning to the States to live?

C. K. Kelly Martin said...

I loved reading your observations on life in Italy and am glad to hear you'll still be able to add to this blog every summer. I'm going to miss Italian Moments in the meantime.

How do you feel about coming home?

Natalie said...

Thanks so much, C.K.! HOw do I feel about going home? Good question. Excited to be living near my family and friends who are stateside. But torn, too, because there's so much I love about Italy and Italians. I think I need to clone myself...

ecm said...

Well, you've got more adventures just around the corner, Natalie. I stumbled on this blog thanks to VK's Blueboard and I visited whenever I could to read your wonderful posts about Italy. I've been to Italy, thanks to you. Where to next?

Edna :-)

My latest blog:

Disco Mermaids said...

I have LOVED reading about your Italian Moments. Thank you for sharing that part of your life.

But now you'll only be a stone's throw from us in California! (If you put that stone on a plane and land in my front yard.)
Hope to see you in person someday!


Natalie said...

Thanks, Edna! We're headed to Virginia, right outside of Washington, D.C. I'd love to make it to Hawaii one day and see your islands!

Robin, I'm sure we'll meet in person one day. The Gang-o retreat one of these years, maybe? Thanks for reading through my Italian Moments. :-)

Kat said...

Hey, I know this is an old post, and I am crazy lazy on MY blog, but I like your blog about Italy!

FYI, I found your blog cuz I was trying to remember the best way to wish my friends a "Happy Women's Day" in Italian and it directed me to your blog about it....

I lived in Italy (Salerno, in Campania) for 2 years, so this makes me laugh a lot :)