Friday, February 09, 2007

It's all done with mirrors...

I can't talk about driving in Italy without mentioning mirrors--one of the most important pieces of Italian driving equipment.
Remember the curvy street I showed you a few posts ago? The picture on the left is a shot from the opposite direction, towards the village church. On the front left side of that photo, you'll see a white wall with a small, arched opening (which houses a statue of the Madonna, by the way). To the right of the arch is a pole, and on top of that is a round, curved mirror. It's a bit difficult to see, so I included a close-up of another mirror in the top photo.
These mirrors are great, because if you're entering a road on a blind curve, you can see if another car is coming by looking in the mirror. And if that doesn't work, there's always that statue of the Madonna...


TinaFerraro said...

LOL about the statue!

And I think it also helps if the driver is going slowly enough to react to what he sees in the mirror. Not always the case in Italy, huh?


Natalie said...

You're right, Tina...they need a Madonna statue at every intersection! :-)