Saturday, February 17, 2007

to be continued...

The major Carnevale festivities begin today. My daughter gets out of school 30 minutes early today (at noon), and after lunch we'll go to the big parade in Opicina--the village where her school is. Right after that we're going skiing for a few days, so I'll have Carnevale and skiing pictures up by Wednesday of next week.

Happy long weekend to all!


TinaFerraro said...

Opicina! Natalie, doesn't that steep train ride up there from the heart of Trieste? I remember there was a beautiful duomo in town, and we had a great pizza lunch across the street there.

Enjoy Carnavale & skiing!


Natalie said...

Hi Tina-- Yes, Opicina is right at the top of the city, and I used to take the tram up to the school where I taught. I'll have to post some tram photos sometime in the future...

Thanks again!